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I was recently at the checkout at my local supermarket the other day. I noticed the checkout assistant asking each customer how are you. do you have a busy day today? Every person’s response was “yes I’m so busy”. I thought to myself how funny is it that we naturally assume that someone is busy? The checkout assistant had already pre-empted the answer by asking do you have a busy day.   Then I reflected have you noticed when you ask someone “how are you”?  the most common response you get is “I’m busy”. This sparked my curiosity.  How did we get to a point where we are busy all the time? Our schedules are full, our stress leaves are through the roof, and there is no time for relaxation.

Do you feel lost in the busyness of your life?

Always striving to move from one thing to the next. No time to just be, take time out and relax. Do you ever ask yourself how did life get so chaotic?   Stop for a moment and tune into yourself. Notice your mind is racing, constantly thinking. How about your body how does it feel? Is it running on adrenaline all the time because you’re always on the go and no longer know how to relax? In your busyness have you forgotten how to enjoy life truly? Have you forgotten to celebrate the moment because you are so caught up in being busy?

In your busy life, what are you achieving?

Yes, we are busy filling our schedule with lots of stuff and things to do. Is that full schedule bringing you joy or are you feeling exhausted, overwhelmed and like there is never enough time in the day? Do you feel like you are the mouse on the wheel going round and round but getting nowhere?  Is this the way you want your life to be? ask yourself if my busy life helping me to achieve the life I want. Can you make room to let go of some of that busyness and enjoy life a little more?

Now comes the interesting part, Are you ready to let go of being so busy all the time!!! Ask yourself “Do I want to let go of my busyness? If the answer is yes, here are a few tips for you. The fun part is it’s going require a different way of thinking. If you’re up for the challenge.

The challenge is you going to have to think about yourself.  Yes, that’s right it’s all about you!!!  I know you’re probably saying oh how selfish that would be of me. Then your mind will probably run of numerous reasons why you can’t put yourself first and all the things you have to do.

And now you’re getting yourself caught up in the busy trap again.  Take a moment and breath. Give yourself permission to let go of busyness.

Let’s get started with these tips:

  1. Set Boundaries.

I know not an easy thing to do, especially if you’re the type of person who does not want to let anyone down.  By trying to please everyone has got you in a state of over-committing to make others happy. It requires strength to set boundaries sometimes.  A lot of our busyness we create ourselves because we are too afraid to say no and set some boundaries. When setting boundaries, it’s important to clarify what you’re willing to give attention and time to. This may mean you disappoint some people. But if you want to let go of that busyness then it going to require that you let some things go from that full schedule. Look at your schedule is a thing on it that you can let go of. Are you overcommitting yourself? Are you saying yes to things just to please others and make them happy? Remember your happiness is just as important and if you commit to something that does not bring you joy then you’re doing yourself a disservice.  Take some time to reflect on your schedule and how you are spending your time. Can you take some of those not-so-important things out of that schedule to create more time for yourself?

  1. Ask for help.

Another challenge for some of us especially those superwomen and men who feel they can do it all. It can be difficult to ask for help and also to accept help. How interesting that we all become busier and we find it hard to accept help from others.  If someone offers you help, see it as a gift and accept it graciously. There is nothing more satisfying than being of service to another human being and helping someone who needs help. Now the challenging part, using your voice to ask for help.  Do you struggle with this? I know I do. My challenge to you is to think about what are some things you could ask for more help with. Can you delegate a task to others in the household to help you out? It’s funny how we humans have this thinking that we have to do it all. We adding to our busyness. So start speaking up and asking for help when you need it.

3..Carve out time to meet your needs.

Remember I said it was about putting yourself first?   Your mind may respond with the excuse “I don’t have time. Give yourself self-permission to stop and ask what you need. Listen for the answer. Once you have the answer create time and a plan to follow through and give yourself what you need.   Creating the space to meet your own needs is an important part of letting go of the business. I bet you are busy meeting everyone else needs that you put yourself last. Well, it is time to put yourself first.  A simple way to start nourishing yourself is to take some time out of a busy life without feeling guilty about it. Start carving out time to do something special for yourself. Give your mind and body time to rest and rejuvenate. You deserve

4. Be in the moment

Stop and enjoy being in the moment. As I mentioned above how often do you move from one this to the next?  Slow down and be in the moment. Look around you and appreciate what you have. Notice your surrounding really stop and take it all in.  Instead of quickly moving on to the next thing, take time to enjoy your achievement. Celebrate how amazing you are. We get limited time to enjoy our life and once you’re caught up in the business it can start to feel like life is speeding by so quickly. Give yourself time to be in joy, let go a little more, stop and enjoy the moment

5. Stop feeling guilty about not being busy

This is the most important tip let go of feeling guilty about not being busy. Ask yourself did you notice as you read through the points above the feeling of guilt slowly creep in. That little voice in your head saying “oh I couldn’t possibly do that for myself”.  “I’m too busy to fit that in”. Your mind will try and create all sorts of reasons why you can’t do this for yourself and all the things you could be doing instead.

Give yourself self-permission to get out of the busyness trap, let go and enjoy life more. Buck the static quote make your own rules and when someone asks you how are you? You can say” I’m fantastic because I’m too busy anymore”.

Leave a comment below and let me know what you have done to let go of busyness in your life. I would love to hear from you.

If you have family members, friends, or colleagues that could use some support with their busy life, please share this post using the link in the sidebar.

I hope this helped to create more  Harmony in your Life!





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