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How To Feel Worthy and Stop Hiding who you are

How To Feel Worthy and Stop Hiding who you are

In the world we live in, it’s easy to lose sight of our worthiness. The constant pressure to measure up to societal standards, coupled with the fear of judgment and rejection, can leave us feeling unworthy and inadequate. 

However, the truth is that each of us is inherently worthy. You deserve love, acceptance, and a sense of belonging. Let’s explore how you can embrace your worth, stop hiding who you are, and cultivate a sense of worthiness in your life.

Understanding Your Worth:

Before we dive into practical tips, let’s take a moment to understand what worthiness truly means. Worthiness isn’t something you have to earn or prove; it’s an innate aspect of your being. From the moment you were born, you were worthy simply because you exist. However, societal norms, unrealistic expectations, and past experiences can distort our perception of our own worth, leading us to believe that we have to meet certain criteria to be worthy.

This often leads to us trying to conform to some unrealistic expectation and hiding our true self

The Consequences of Hiding Your True Self:

Hiding your true self can have profound consequences on your mental and emotional well-being. When you pretend to be someone you’re not or suppress your true thoughts and feelings, you’re denying yourself the opportunity to live authentically. This can lead to feelings of emptiness, disconnection, and low self-esteem. Leading to, constantly seeking external validation or approval to feel worthy. This can create a cycle of anxiety and self-doubt within us.

Practical Tips to Embrace Your Worth:

Now that we’ve explored the importance of embracing your worth, let’s discuss some practical tips to help you stop hiding who you are and cultivate a sense of worthiness in your life:

1. Practice Self-Compassion: Treat yourself with kindness and compassion, especially during times of struggle or self-doubt. Instead of criticizing yourself for your perceived flaws or mistakes, offer yourself the same level of understanding and empathy you would offer to a friend in a similar situation.

2. Challenge Negative Beliefs: Identify and challenge any negative beliefs or thoughts you may have about your worthiness. Ask yourself if these beliefs are based on reality or if they’re simply the result of past experiences or societal conditioning. Replace negative self-talk with affirmations that reinforce your inherent worth and value.

3. Celebrate Your Unique Qualities: Embrace what makes you unique and special. Whether it’s your talents, quirks, or passions, celebrate the qualities that set you apart from others. Remember that your uniqueness is what makes you valuable and worthy of love and acceptance.

4. Set Boundaries: Establish healthy boundaries in your relationships and daily life. Learn to say no to things that don’t align with your values or make you feel uncomfortable. Setting boundaries not only protects your mental and emotional well-being but also reinforces your sense of self-worth.

5. Practice Authenticity: Be true to yourself and express your thoughts, feelings, and opinions authentically. Don’t be afraid to show vulnerability or share your true self with others. Authenticity fosters genuine connections and allows others to see and appreciate you for who you truly are.

How To Cultivating Worthiness Daily:

 Here are some daily practices you can incorporate into your life to cultivate a sense of worthiness:

1.Gratitude Journaling: Take a few minutes each day to write down things you’re grateful for, including your strengths, accomplishments, and the people who support you. Cultivating gratitude helps shift your focus from what’s lacking to what you already have, reinforcing your sense of worthiness.

2.Mindfulness Meditation: Engage in mindfulness meditation to become more present and self-aware. Practice observing your thoughts and emotions without judgment, allowing them to come and go without attaching meaning to them. Mindfulness helps cultivate self-compassion and acceptance, key components of worthiness.  Listen to Free meditations

3.Surround Yourself with Positive Influences: Surround yourself with people who uplift and support you. Seek out relationships and communities that celebrate your worthiness and encourage you to be your authentic self. Distance yourself from toxic relationships or the environment. 


4. Positive Affirmations: Repeat affirmations that affirm your worthiness and value. Affirmations such as “I am enough,” “I deserve love and respect,” and “I embrace my authentic self” can counteract negative self-talk and reinforce positive beliefs about yourself. It undermines your sense of worth.

5.Seek Professional Help if Needed: If you’re struggling to cultivate a sense of worthiness on your own, don’t hesitate to seek support from a counsellor or hypnotherapist. Professional help can provide you with valuable insights, coping strategies, and support to overcome feelings of unworthiness and cultivate a healthier sense of self-esteem.

Remember this

You are worthy of love, acceptance, and belonging just as you are. Embracing your worthiness starts with recognizing your inherent value and learning to embrace your true self. By practising self-compassion, challenging negative beliefs, and cultivating authenticity in your life, you can stop hiding who you are and live a life filled with confidence, connection, and joy. Remember, you are worthy, and you deserve to share your light with the world.

The Power of Small Habits in Making Lasting Change

The Power of Small Habits in Making Lasting Change

Transform Your Life


Are you ready to embark on a journey of transformation?

Change can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. In fact, the key to success lies in the small, consistent habits we cultivate every day.

Welcome to your guide on how to harness the power of small habits to make lasting changes in your life.

Understanding the journey of change

Change is a process, not an event. It’s about progress, not perfection. Many of us feel anxious about making changes in our lives because we often associate change with drastic shifts or monumental efforts. However, real change begins with small steps taken consistently over time.

The Power of Small Steps

Small habits may seem insignificant at first glance, but they have the power to snowball into significant transformations. Think of them as the building blocks of change. Whether it’s starting your day with a five-minute meditation, swapping out one unhealthy snack for a nutritious option, or committing to a short daily exercise routine, small steps pave the way for big changes.

Consistency as the Cornerstone

Consistency is the secret sauce of successful change. It’s not about making huge leaps once in a while but about showing up every day, even when progress feels slow. Like laying bricks to build a wall, each small action you take accumulates over time, leading to remarkable results.

Celebrating Every Milestone

Acknowledge and celebrate every small win along the way. Did you stick to your new habit for a week straight? Treat yourself to something special as a reward. Celebrating your progress not only boosts your motivation but also reinforces positive behavior, making it more likely that you’ll stick to your new habits in the long run.


Practical Tips for Incorporating Small Habits

Now that we understand the importance of small habits let’s dive into some practical tips for incorporating them into your daily life:

Start with a Clear Goal: Identify one area of your life where you’d like to see improvement. Whether it’s your health, productivity, or mindset, having a clear goal will give you direction and focus.

Break it Down: Once you’ve identified your goal, break it down into smaller, more manageable steps. For example, if your goal is to exercise more, start with a five-minute daily workout and gradually increase the duration over time.

Create a Routine: Incorporate your new habit into your daily routine to make it easier to stick to. Whether it’s meditating first thing in the morning or journaling before bed, find a time that works best for you and make it a non-negotiable part of your day.

Stay Accountable: Share your goals with a friend, family member, or accountability partner who can support you on your journey. Having someone to hold you accountable can make a world of difference in staying committed to your new habits.

Be Patient and Kind to Yourself: Change takes time, so be patient with yourself as you work towards your goals. And remember, it’s okay to stumble along the way. What matters is that you pick yourself up and keep moving forward.

The Science Behind Small Habits

But why do small habits work so effectively in making lasting change?
It all comes down to the concept of neuroplasticity—the brain’s ability to rewire itself in response to new experiences and behaviours. When we consistently engage in small habits, we strengthen neural pathways associated with those behaviours, making them more automatic and ingrained over time.
Moreover, small habits are easier to maintain because they require less willpower and motivation than larger, more daunting tasks. By breaking down our goals into smaller, more manageable steps, we reduce the mental barriers that often prevent us from taking action.

Overcoming Common Challenges.

While incorporating small habits into our lives may sound simple in theory, it’s not always easy in practice. Common challenges such as procrastination, lack of motivation, and fear of failure can derail our efforts and prevent us from making progress. However, by understanding these challenges and implementing strategies to overcome them, we can set ourselves up for success.

Procrastination: Break tasks down into smaller, more manageable steps and tackle them one at a time. Set deadlines and create a sense of urgency to motivate yourself to take action.

Lack of Motivation: Find ways to make your habits more enjoyable and rewarding. Incorporate elements of fun, creativity, or social interaction into your routines to keep yourself engaged and motivated.

Fear of Failure: Shift your mindset from viewing failure as a setback to seeing it as an opportunity for growth and learning. Embrace the process of trial and error, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes along the way.

The Ripple Effect of Small Habits

As you begin to incorporate small habits into your life and make progress towards your goals, you’ll start to notice a ripple effect that extends beyond the initial changes you’ve made. These small changes will gradually snowball into larger transformations, impacting other areas of your life in unexpected and profound ways.

For example, adopting a daily exercise routine may not only improve your physical health but also boost your mood, increase your energy levels, and enhance your overall sense of well-being. Similarly, practising gratitude each day may not only shift your mindset towards positivity but also improve your relationships, productivity, and resilience in the face of challenges.

Embracing Change, One Small Habit at a Time

Change can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. By focusing on small habits and taking consistent action, you can unlock the power of transformation in your life. Remember, every small step you take is a step in the right direction. So, embrace change, stay consistent, and celebrate your progress along the way. You’ve got this!

Now, it’s your turn.

What small habit will you start today to make a positive change in your life?

How to Transform Your Self Talk

How to Transform Your Self Talk

Transforming Self-Talk into Self-Kindness: A Journey of Empathy and Empowerment

In today’s fast-paced world, where we are constantly juggling responsibilities and facing challenges, it’s easy to forget the importance of being kind to ourselves. Self-kindness is a transformative practice that allows us to nurture our inner selves and cultivate a positive and empowering mindset.

Imagine instead of having a harsh critic, you had an inner ally—a voice that uplifts you, encourages you, and supports you through life’s ups and downs.

In this post we embark on a journey of self-discovery, exploring the profound impact of self-talk on our well-being and how we can transform it into self-kindness.

The Power of Self-Kindness

Self-kindness is not about indulging in selfish behaviour rather, it is an act of self-compassion and self-love that enriches our lives and allows us to navigate through difficulties with grace. When we treat ourselves with the same gentleness and understanding that we extend to our loved ones, we create a nurturing environment within ourselves, fostering growth and resilience.

Embracing Positive Self-Talk

The foundation of self-kindness lies in positive self-talk. Our inner dialogue shapes our perceptions, emotions, and actions, ultimately influencing our experiences. Instead of dwelling on self-criticism and doubt, we can practice positive self-talk by replacing negative thoughts with affirmations and words of encouragement.

For instance, when faced with a challenge, reframe thoughts like “I can’t do this” with “I am capable, and I am learning and growing from this experience.” By nurturing ourselves with empowering self-talk, we build self-confidence and open doors to new possibilities. It takes a little practice to reframe thoughts, but like anything the more you practice the easier it becomes.

Embracing Imperfection and Growth

It’s essential to recognize that perfection is an unrealistic standard that no one can achieve. Embracing our imperfections allows us to acknowledge our humanity and appreciate ourselves fully. Each mistake becomes an opportunity for growth and learning rather than a reason for self-criticism.

Instead of beating ourselves for not being perfect, we can adopt a growth mindset and view challenges as stepping stones towards personal development. With self-kindness, we celebrate our growth and achievements, no matter how small they may seem.

It’s essential to recognize that perfection is an unrealistic standard that no one can achieve. Embracing our imperfections allows us to acknowledge our humanity and appreciate ourselves fully. Each mistake becomes an opportunity for growth and learning rather than a reason for self-criticism.

 Instead of beating ourselves for not being perfect, we can adopt a growth mindset and view challenges as stepping stones towards personal development. With self-kindness, we celebrate our growth and achievements, no matter how small they may seem.

Self-kindness involves prioritizing self-care. Taking time for ourselves regularly is not selfish; it’s essential for our well-being. Engage in activities that bring joy, relaxation, and a sense of well-being. Whether it’s practising mindfulness, engaging in hobbies, or spending time with loved ones, self-care is a vital aspect of self-kindness.

Forgiveness and Compassion

As humans, we all make mistakes. Instead of holding onto past regrets and self-blame, practising self-forgiveness is an act of kindness towards ourselves. Just as we would forgive a loved one, we can offer ourselves the same compassion and understanding through forgiveness. Be kind to yourself and recognise you are doing the best you can.

Celebrating Achievements

It’s easy to downplay our successes and accomplishments, especially when comparing ourselves to others. However, self-kindness involves acknowledging and celebrating our achievements, no matter how small they may seem. By recognizing our efforts, we boost our self-esteem and motivation.

Setting Boundaries

Practising self-kindness also means setting healthy boundaries with others. Learning to say no when needed allows us to prioritize our well-being and avoid overwhelming ourselves with commitments. Boundaries protect our energy and mental health, allowing us to be more present and compassionate in our interactions.

The Practice of Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a powerful tool in cultivating self-kindness. By staying present in the moment and developing self-awareness, we become attuned to our thoughts and emotions. Mindfulness helps us respond to challenges with compassion and understanding, promoting a sense of calm and self-acceptance.

Embracing Empathy: The Role of Self-Talk in Empathy

As empaths, we possess a natural ability to understand and connect with others’ emotions. However, empathy starts from within. Cultivating self-empathy and self-compassion enables us to extend the same level of care and understanding to ourselves, enhancing our capacity for empathy towards others.

Becoming Aware of Self-Talk

Becoming aware of our self-talk is the first step in developing self-empathy. Notice if your inner dialogue is critical, harsh, or nurturing and supportive. Identifying negative patterns helps us understand the impact of our thoughts on our emotions and behaviors.

Being Your Own Best Friend

Imagine how you would comfort and support a dear friend going through a challenging time. Extend the same kindness and reassurance to yourself. Be your own best friend, offering words of encouragement and understanding.

Embracing Imperfections and Vulnerabilities

Being human means being imperfect and vulnerable. Embrace your imperfections with love and acceptance. Each perceived flaw is an opportunity for growth and learning. Embrace your uniqueness and treat yourself with kindness.

Celebrating Your Strengths

Identify your unique strengths and talents. Celebrate your accomplishments, recognizing your abilities and contributions. Acknowledging your strengths boosts self-esteem and reinforces self-compassion.

Practising Mindful Self-Compassion

In moments of challenge, practice mindful self-compassion. Engage in deep, mindful breathing and use positive affirmations to redirect negative thoughts. Treat yourself with gentleness and understanding.

Surrounding Yourself with Positivity

Surround yourself with uplifting and supportive influences. Connect with people who appreciate and celebrate your empathetic nature. Engage in activities that inspire and uplift you.

Cultivating Gratitude

Gratitude opens the heart to self-kindness. Take a moment each day to acknowledge the blessings in your life, including the gift of empathy. Gratitude fosters a positive mindset and deepens self-compassion.

The Practice of Self-Compassion Journaling

In your journal, express your thoughts and emotions honestly. Identify any self-critical or negative self-talk patterns. Reframe these thoughts with phrases of self-compassion, such as “I am doing the best I can,” “I forgive myself,” and “I am worthy of kindness and love.”


Daily Affirmations for Self-Compassion

Discover the self-compassion phrases that resonate with you the most. Write them down and read them aloud to yourself daily. Observe the positive impact they have on your emotions and self-perception.

Reframing Self-Talk for Empowerment

(Our self-talk has tremendous creative power, shaping our reality and experiences. By reframing our self-talk, we can pave the way for a life filled with growth, positivity, and self-kindness.

Identifying Negative Patterns

Become aware of negative self-talk patterns and the impact they have on your emotions. Challenge these thoughts with evidence to the contrary and break free from limiting beliefs.

Embracing Self-Compassion

Treat yourself with kindness and understanding. Replace self-judgment with self-compassion and offer yourself the same care you would offer a loved one.

Practising Positive Affirmations

Create positive affirmations that align with your goals and aspirations. Repeat them daily to reinforce empowering self-talk and boost self-confidence.


Focusing on Growth and Learning

Adopt a growth mindset and see challenges as opportunities for learning and personal development. Embrace the idea that setbacks are not failures but stepping stones on your journey to success. By focusing on growth, you can maintain a positive outlook and remain resilient in the face of adversity.

Surrounding Yourself with Positivity

Surround yourself with positive influences and supportive individuals. Seek out like-minded people who appreciate and celebrate your empathetic nature. Engage in activities that bring joy, inspiration, and fulfillment into your life. The positive energy from your surroundings will reinforce your self-kindness and empathy.

Visualizing Success

Harness the power of visualization to see yourself succeeding and thriving. Close your eyes and vividly imagine achieving your goals. Visualizing success enhances your self-belief and motivation, empowering you to take positive steps towards your dreams.

Practising Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a powerful practice that cultivates self-kindness and empathy. Stay present in the moment, observing your thoughts without judgment. When negative self-talk arises, gently redirect your focus to positive aspects of yourself and your life. Mindfulness helps you become more aware of your emotions and reactions, leading to greater self-understanding and compassion.

A Note on Seeking Support

While practising self-kindness and transforming self-talk can be transformative, it’s essential to recognize that everyone’s journey is unique. If negative self-talk persists or if you find it challenging to cultivate self-compassion, consider seeking support from a therapist or counsellor. Professional guidance can help you work through deeper emotional issues and provide valuable tools for enhancing self-kindness and empathy.  (Find out more how how to work with me

Embracing Self-Kindness: A Journey of Empowerment

Embracing self-kindness is not a one-time effort but an ongoing journey of self-discovery and empowerment. By practicing positive self-talk, embracing imperfections, prioritizing self-care, and cultivating self-compassion, you can transform your inner dialogue and create a nurturing environment within yourself.

Self-kindness enables you to face challenges with grace, celebrate your achievements, and embrace personal growth. By treating yourself with gentleness and understanding, you lay the foundation for greater empathy towards others.

As you embark on this journey, remember that it’s okay to take small steps. Embrace self-compassion journaling as a tool to express your emotions and foster kindness towards yourself. Let daily affirmations become your guiding light, illuminating the path to self-empowerment and positive self-talk.

Reframing your self-talk is a powerful practice that empowers you to shape your reality and experiences. Challenge negative thoughts, embrace self-compassion, and practice positive affirmations to reinforce empowering self-talk.


Surround yourself with positivity and immerse yourself in uplifting influences. The people you surround yourself with can impact your journey towards self-kindness and empathy.

As you envision your success, remember that your dreams are within reach. Visualization harnesses the power of your mind to inspire action and bring your aspirations to life.

Finally, embrace mindfulness as a means to be present in the moment and cultivate self-awareness. Mindfulness opens the door to greater self-understanding, enabling you to respond to challenges with compassion and empathy.

If you’re ready to embark on a transformative journey towards self-kindness and greater empathy, remember that you are not alone. The path to self-empowerment is unique for each individual, and seeking support is a sign of strength, not weakness.

Let self-kindness and empathy be your guiding principles as you navigate through life’s ups and downs. Embrace the transformative power of positive self-talk, and watch as your inner light shines brighter than ever before.



10 Ways to Practices  Self Reflection

10 Ways to Practices Self Reflection

Self-reflection is an amazing tool for creating the best version of yourself.

It can also be confronting exercise to undertake.

Let’s be honest it’s challenging to go deep within and look with yourselves.

It to easier to distract yourselves and fill your days with, a long to-do list in an effort to avoid reflecting on yourself

Your attention is pulled in so many different directions by the outside world that self-reflection is not often at the top of your to-do list.

The reality is unless you make space and time to self-reflect it is not going to happen.

It feels easier and more comfortable to turn your attention outwards instead of inwards. Go within and looking deeply at yourselves is something most of us avoid.

The mind often distracts you and tries to create more things to do.

Are you ready to go on your own journey of self-reflection?

Self-reflecting is not necessarily an easy journey to face. However, I will promise you this. It is one of the most valuable journeys; you will undertake for your personal growth.

“The Journey into self-love as self-acceptance must begin with self-examination… until you take the journey of self-reflection it is almost impossible to grow or learn in life” (Iyanla Vanzant)


Self-reflection is the process of taking the time to go within and analyse your inner self on a deeper level.

Through these analyses, you are able to gain insight into who you are, what you value, and your thoughts, actions, desires and motivation.

Within the self-reflective process, you come to understand your true self. By looking inward, you take off the mask you wear for the outside world.  It allows you to connect with yourself and grow from this self-reflection experience.

Self-reflection is a powerful process and it will have a positive effect on your life.

Ten Practices for Self-Reflection

1. Journaling for self-reflection

Journaling is a beautiful way to deep self-reflection. It can be as simple as writing a daily self-reflection sentence about anything you want to reflect on. If you feel you want to go a little deeper. Then write a long journal entry about something good or bad that you experienced. Explore and reflect on the event, your thoughts feelings or emotions that are coming up for you. Try not to censor what you write, allow the words to flow. Then read over your journal entry. Reflect upon what you have written, you will be amazed by the insight you get from your writing.

There is no wrong or right way to journal. do what feels right for you and will help you to reflect inwards.

2. Question Yourself

Asking yourself the tough questions is a vital part of the self-reflective These questions can feel uncomfortable however, by asking these questions and answering honestly, you are able to hold a reflective mirror up to your lives and yourself.

Reflective questions:

Who do I want to be?

What do I stand for?

How I’m behaving?

What are my values?

What are my desires?

Is my life heading in the direction I want?

What motivates me?

What makes me happy?

These are big questions, but they allow you to go deep and truly reflect on who you are and what drives your behaviour.

3. Allow time for Stillness

Do you make time in your day for stillness?

As it only from being still and silent.  You are able to go within and deeply connect with yourselves and reflect. With stillness, you get to know the real you. These not hiding or distracting yourself. You take a deep inward journey and slowly peel away the lays. There is nowhere to hide in stillness. You are complete with yourself. Disconnected from the external world that disconnects your true self.


How can you create time for stillness in your day? It can be as simple as a 5-minute mindfulness practice e being still and present in the moment.

Or a beautiful meditation practice. That brings you into stillness.

(check out the resources below for free meditations)

Creating time to be still it allows the space to do the deep reflective work you need to connect, grow and learn more about yourself.

4. Get in touch with your feelings

Reflect on your feelings and get in touch with how you feel. This is deep work. For many of us, it is easier to push our feeling aside or tell ourselves that what we are feeling is not valid. Do not dismiss how you feel. You have the right to feel the way you feel and not to push your feelings aside.

By reflecting on feelings and understanding them. It gives insight into your emotional and mental well-being.

Try this practice:

Take a breath



Go within and ask how do I feel.

Why am I having these feelings?

How are these feelings affecting me?

If you need support with exploring your feeling, more. Enlist the help of a professional counsellor or coach. (work with me)

5. Reflect on the story

Reflect on the story you are telling yourself. The inner critic can be lode and mean.

By reflecting on the story and the words, you say to yourselves. It helps to develop inner awareness. Generally, the default story we tell ourselves is the I’m not good enough story.


Listen to what it is you say to yourself. Do you need to release the old story or harsh words you speak to yourself?

Stepping back and observing the story gives you the power to defuse the thought pattern. Develop a regular reflective practice of the stories and words you use. It will empower you to recognise when the story is no longer serving you and to replace it with a new and improved story.

 6. Care of Self

One of the best ways to care for yourself is to reflect on what your needs are and how you care for yourself


How do I currently care for myself?

Do I spend more time caring for others than I do for myself?


What do I need to feel cared for?

What do I need to feel my best?

Then from the answer to these questions create a care plan for yourself. A great way to put in place, your plan is to pick a time and day that you are committed to implementing care for yourself. I like to have time on Sundays. I call it my self-care Sunday!



    7. Self-compassion and kindness.

    Did you know that being kind to yourself has a great positive effect on your life? Think about it the way you treat yourself influences every aspect of your well-being. We are with ourselves 24/7 and we can say some unkind things to yourselves. Would you say to a friend the thing you say to yourself? The words we say to yourselves have meaning.
    Reflect: Do I treat myself with kindness and compassion?

    Do I need to be kinder to myself?

    Try this: saying something that creates a sense of kindness.

    Phrases such as “I am kind to myself” and “I am gentle with myself “. I treat myself with kindness.

    Place your hand on your heart and say I hold myself with kindness and compassion. Experiment and reflect on what feels good and brings up a feeling of self-compassion.

    8. Personal Growth

    Do you ever stop and look at how much you have grown? The lessons you have learned along your journey. By self-reflecting on your personal growth, it gives you a picture of where have you been and where are you going.

    I am sure along the way there have been mistakes and challenges. However, think about all that you have gained from these experiences.

    Reflect on: How much growth you have achieved

    Reflect on the personal growth that has taken place over the last 5 years. What have you done? what have you achieved?

    An important thing to look at is what you have learned from challenges or mistakes you have made.

    Growth can only come about when you reflect on where you once were to where you are today.

    9. Permission to Dream 

    Do you give yourself permission to dream?

    Dreams are important. They give your life purpose, direction, goals and meaning for your life.

    Reflect upon the dream you are holding. What life do you want to create in the future.? Having a dream to look forward to gives you a sense of hope, control and choice about your future.

    Don’t give up on your dreams. By giving up on your dream, you are giving up on yourself. Give your self-permission to dream and pursue the life you desire.


    Do you have a dream? Do you think you are worthy of your dream?

    Are you ready to give yourself self-permission to pursue your dream?

    10. Mind-Body Connection 

    The connection between mind, body, emotions and spirit has been proven scientifically.

    We are more than our thoughts. There is an undeniable connection between mind, body, emotion, and spirit.  This connection makes us who we are.


    How do I care and connect with:

    My mind?

    My Body?

    My emotions?

    My spirituality?

    Reflecting on the relationships, we have with the emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual self. Allows us to nourish and connect with ourselves fully.

    You may want to choose one self-reflection practice and try each day over the next 10 days.

    The journey of self-reflection has so many benefits for our personal growth. Taking time for self-reflection can be difficult and challenging. It is confronting to step back and reflect on yourself. Yet, there are so many benefits of self-reflection. It allows you to connect with yourself, gain perspective, learn and grow.

    Embark on your self-reflective journey a create the best version of yourself.


    Quote Reflection is one of the most underused yet powerful tools to your success.

    Free Resources:

    Free Meditations Click here

    How to teach yourself to feel good enough Read More 


    What is self-reflection and why is it important Click here  


    How To Teach Yourself To Feel Good Enough

    How To Teach Yourself To Feel Good Enough

    Let’s begin with a question that may feel a bit uncomfortable, but it’s an important question to reflect on.

    What is the story you tell yourself over and over again?

    This can be a comforting question. If you really stop for a moment and listen and think about what you are saying to yourself.

    That voice in your mind what it’s telling you.

    The words you say to yourself have power. The reality is you are with yourselves 24/7, there is no hiding from what you say to yourself.

    The stories that are on repeat in your mind shape your life and the way you view yourself.

    Did you come up with an answer? What story do you tell yourself?

    My guess is this story has a theme to it. Did you know that there is a common theme to most stories we tell ourselves?

    Want to know what the story is?

    The I’m not good enough story.

    Does that sound familiar?

    The words that you are saying to yourself often have a theme of not being good enough.

    Did you know that this is the most common story most humans struggle with?

    They believe they are not good enough. We look for confirmation in the outside world about how we are not good enough. We tell ourselves this story over and over again.

    Now I could sit here and tell you something like: Believe in yourself and turn those words around to something positive and repeat to yourself that you are good enough. And you are good enough. But we all have something called our internal voice in our mind and our mind can be a tricky thing. The mind likes to protect us and thinks that it’s helpful. But sometimes the mind is unhelpful and can be downright mean.


    Saying  postive affiramtion that you don’t belive to  turn that negative self-talk around may  be helpful in the short term. But after a while, you start to fight against your mind and then you spiral back down to the same habit of repeating the… I’m not good enough story.

    Let me give you some practical advice for the ‘I’m not good enough struggles.

    Struggle 1: Question Your Efforts

    We all have those times when we struggle with questioning ourselves

    I’m I doing enough?

    I’m I good enough?

    Is what I’m doing enough?

    Is this good enough?

    The list goes on…

    Even as I write this blog post my mind is asking if this is really good enough. It is looking to pick apart all the way it is not enough.

    Your mind can be critical at times and you are so hard on yourselves.

    The I’m not good enough story can be loud and disheartening.

    Here is a practice to help when you find yourself criticizing your efforts.


    1. Think about some of the criticisms your mind tells you


    1. Pick one of the criticisms that you say to yourself a lot. (The one you have on repeat.)


    1. Now be present. Become aware of how it makes you feel when your mind gets caught up in criticizing you.


    1. Open up to the feelings and notice them. You may want to try some deep breathing.


    1. Then turn your focus on doing something that will make your life more meaningful. What is something that will add value to your life, that you can do right now and give your attention to?

    I know it can painful but by opening up and being present to the feeling but once you become aware of the feeling showing up, you can start turning your focus on more meaningful things. Rather than getting caught up in the “I’m not good enough story”.


    Struggle 2: Feeling You’re Not Doing Enough

    Do you ever feel completely overwhelmed with always trying to fit more on your to-do list?

    The more you try to do the more you question- “I’m I doing enough”?

    Maybe you thought you’d be further ahead in life than you are right now, or maybe you have a list in the back of your mind of things you “should” be doing.

    No matter what you do, it doesn’t seem to be enough.

    Let’s explore that feeling of not doing enough.

    Many of us judge ourselves for never doing enough. We ridicule our efforts as not being good enough. We have a long list of all the things we should be doing. Thinking if I just complete my do-to list, I will finally feel I’m good enough.

    I know this feeling because I use to let myself get stuck in the mindset of “I have to do more to be enough”. Maybe you can relate.


    Are you always think you have to do more to be enough?

    Maybe seeing other people’s successes might trigger this feeling of inadequacy.

    Do you set unrealistic expectations for yourself and think that nothing you do is ever good enough?

    Let’s turn this thinking around. Because the truth is no matter how hard you push yourself and create an endless to-do list. It not going to make you feel enough. Instead of trying to do it all, try celebrate yourself and the effort you are putting in to the things you are doing. 

    Here is a  practice help if you find yourself trying to do more and more to be enough.

    Answer these questions:

    What have I achieved that I never thought possible?

    How have I progressed and grown in the last year?

    How can I celebrate my effects?

    Take time to celebrate your progress, achievements and growth. Turn that self-judgement into a celebration of doing and being enough in this moment. Often we never stop to celebrate our effects and how far we have come. Our mind is ready to jump to the next thing. Again never feel fulfilled with the success we already achieved. So instead of adding more to your to-do list celebrate all that you are right now.

    Now that you celebrate yourself even if it was just a little bit. What if the next thing I asked you was- Do you know you are enough as you are?

    Now stop for a moment before you read on. When you read the above statement what is your first thought? Just observe your thoughts for a moment.

    Was your first thought, yes I’m enough.

    Or did you start to question I am, I enough as I am? Or did you say no I’m not enough

    The truth is you are enough exactly as you are. Our first response is often to think about all the ways we think we are not enough.

    Let me tell you right at this moment you are all that you are meant to be.

    And being enough is not about being perfect or reaching some ideal Enough is being all that you are right now.

    The mess parts of you

    The broken parts of you

    The imperfect parts of you

    The changing and growing parts of you

    The beautiful parts

    The unique parts of you

    Despite all this, You’re already enough.

    Struggle 3 Recognising you are enough as you are

    Who gets to decide what being enough is?

    Have you stopped to think about, What is enough anyway? Are you measuring your enoughness with an unrealistic image of perfection?

    I will let you in on a little secret – You get to decide what enough is!!!

    Nobody else gets to decide what enough means to you. You can only decide for yourself.

    It can be a constant internal battle to feel enough. With judge yourselves in so many ways as not being enough.

    That voice in your head tells you: I’m not pretty, I’m not skinny, I’m smart, I’m not confident enough. The list goes on and on…..

    But the reality is you hold all the power you get to decide what being enough is for yourself. No one outside of you can decide that for you. You are the only one that can decide what enough looks and feels like for you. You have a choice you can continue to strive for some unrealistic image of being good enough. Or you can get crystal clear in your own mind about what your version of being enough is.


    Journal Practice for defining being enough

    In your journal answer these questions to get clear about what enough means to you.

    What does being enough feel like?

    What does being enough look like?

    Define what being enough means to you?

    Being enough is a working progress. Your mind will look for ways to tell you are not enough. Unfortunately, this is what the mind does. But you know have something very powerful and that’s awareness. The first step to change is being aware of the thoughts and feelings that are coming up for you. Be aware of what enough means to you. Shut off the loud voice of the outside world.

    “You are enough exactly as you are”

    Celebrate yourself instead of judging yourself. Because we all have those messy broken and imperfect parts to us. And you know what that’s ok because you’re working a progress and every day you growing learning and doing the best you can. And that is enough.


    Recommended  book: Cassie Mendoza- Jones “You Are Enough”  Click Here

    Free Meditation You Are Enough Guided Meditation Click Here

    Learn more about how Hypnotherapy can support you with your self-esteem Click here