How to stop your self-doubt from holding you back
We recently made the transition into the new season. If you in the southern hemisphere, springtime has arrived. A time for letting go of the old and make way for the new. With the change in the season it brings about a powerful new energy, things are opening and renewing. The trees are regenerating full of green leaves, the flowers start to bloom and the birds are singing once again. Spring allows us to reawaken from the cool winter. We can start to feel a shift in energy and things are being stirred up. Our energy starts to rejuvenate, the mind starts to reawaken to the beauty around us, and our body feels the need to move. The energy of spring allows us to start opening up to new possibilities.
As we start to think about the new it can bring up that voice in our head of self-doubt. We allow that persuasive voice in our head to talk us out of trying something new. We come up with all sorts of reasons why we shouldn’t try something different.
• Comparing ourselves to others,
• We worry about what others will think is we try something new.
• We double our decision and if we are doing the right thing by trying something new.
• Or if we are good enough to even try.
The list goes on and on….
We feel defeated before we even begin.
Most of us have experienced self-doubt when wanting to make a move to something new. Often we allow the voice of self-doubt to hold us back, take over and stop us in our tracks.
Once that voice of self-doubt takes hold, we take a step back from trying something new. We retreat back into the safety of our comfort zone. We allow self-doubt to win and we remain stuck in our old ways.
I understand that overcoming self-doubt when starting something new can be confronting. The butterfly in the stomach and fear takes hold. It can feel easier and safer to stay with what is familiar and comfortable. But if we stay with what is comfortable we become stuck and dormant. We don’t regenerate and grow to our full potential. In spring we have the chance to open up, just like everything around us. Regenerate and embrace the new there are so many exciting possibilities that lay before us.
Once we feel ready to move forward to something new then we need to step up and overcome our self-doubt. Here are some steps to get you started.
What do you want?
The first thing we need to do is to be clear about what new experience we want and why. Do you want a new job, start a new business, relationship, new hobby or travel somewhere new? It’s important to be clear about what we want and why. Once we are clear about what new experience we want and why then we can use that as motivation to overcome that voice of self-doubt. Write down clearly what new experience you want and why you what that new experience.
Listen to the words of self-doubt.
The next thing to focus on is to start listening to the words that we say to ourselves. It can be easy to let the voice of self-doubt start planting the seeds of all the reasons why we can’t start something new. Then before we know it we retreated back and did not take the steps toward what we wanted. We need to start listening to what that voice is saying. What does your self-doubt say to you? Listen and note the words you say to yourself.
To overcome self-doubt, we need to be aware of how self-doubt is holding us back. Ask yourself have you been holding yourself back?
Is your self-doubt stopping you from trying something new? Once we have a clear picture of what we want and become more aware of what the voice of self-doubt is saying. We are able to clearly see how our self-doubt is holding us back from all the new possibilities.
How does it feel?
Now that we are more aware we can start exploring how it would feel to try something new. To know if something new is right we can use our body as a guide. When you think about the new do you feel expansive or restrictive? Make sure that before doing this exercise you have pushed aside the voice of self-doubt. Then focus on the new possibility. Became aware of your body and the feeling you get when you think about the new. If you feel expansive your body is telling you it’s right for you.
If we get the feeling that the new is something we are ready to embrace, we can start focusing our minds on how the new experience will improve our lives. Focusing on the improvement the new will bring it helps quieten the voice of self-doubt. Once we start to quieten self-doubt we start building momentum towards embracing the new.
Now we have a clear indication of the new experience we want, and why we want it. We have quietened the voice of self-double by reassuring it. We are now feeling more open to the new possibilities, and ready to embrace it.
Embrace the new.
It’s now time to start thinking about one step we can take towards the new experience we want. List down one step you can take to move towards something new you want to experience. Then take that step toward what you want.
I have personally found one of the best ways to overcome self-double is to just start taking small action steps towards the new. By starting and taking action. I’m moving towards what I want.
Once we start to take action steps towards what we want the self-doubt slowly disappears.
Then we look behind and realize how far we have come, by taking that one step towards that new experience we want to try.
So start that thing you have been dreaming about. Don’t let your self-doubt hold you back. Allow spring to remind you of the possibilities of the new and let go of the old. Be ready to embrace all the new and exciting experiences that are coming your way.
I would love to hear in the comment what new exciting thing you have started
If you have family members, friends, or colleagues that could use some support with their self-doubt, please share this post.
I hope this helped with creating more Harmony in your Life